Presence of functional dendritic cells in patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus

Hepatitis C virus structural proteins impair dendritic cell maturation and inhibit in vivo induction of cellular immune responses

Evaluation of pre-existent immunity in patients with primary breast cancer: molecular and cellular assays to quantify antigen-specific T lymphocytes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Results of a phase I clinical study using autologous tumour lysate-pulsed monocyte-derived mature dendritic cell vaccinations for stage IV malignant melanoma patients combined with low dose interleukin-2

Idiotype vaccination of multiple myeloma patients using monocyte-derived dendritic cells

Large-scale immunomagnetic selection of CD14+ monocytes to generate dendritic cells for cancer immunotherapy: a phase I study

Thermal regulation of dendritic cell activation and migration from skin explants

Dendritic cells mediate NK cell help for Th1 and CTL responses: two-signal requirement for the induction of NK cell helper function

Dendritic cell-based vaccines in breast and gynaecologic cancer

Fever-like temperature induces maturation of dendritic cells through induction of hsp90