Temperature-dependent changes in physiologic parameters of spontaneous canine soft tissue sarcomas after combined radiotherapy and hyperthermia treatment

Tumour cell kinetics as predictors of response in canine lymphoma treated with chemotherapy alone or combined with whole body hyperthermia

Deep hyperthermia with radiofrequencies in patients with liver metastases from colorectal cancer

Cutting edge: receptor-mediated endocytosis of heat shock proteins by professional antigen-presenting cells

For the clinical application of thermochemotherapy given at mild temperatures

[Hyperthermia in combination with chemotherapy in gynecological cancers]

A pilot study of melphalan, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and 41.8 degrees C whole-body hyperthermia

Characterization of mild whole-body hyperthermia protocols using human breast, ovarian, and colon tumors grown in severe combined immunodeficient mice

[Current methods of radiation therapy in patients with prostatic cancer: subtotal body radiation, local hyperthermia]

Systemic hyperthermia and ICE chemotherapy for sarcoma patients: rationale and clinical status