[Current methods of radiation therapy in patients with prostatic cancer: subtotal body radiation, local hyperthermia]

PMID: 9987941
Journal: Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii (volume: , issue: 5, Vestn Rentgenol Radiol 1998 Sep-Oct;(5):30-3)
Published: 1998-09-01

Granov AM, Vinogradov VM, Metelev VV, Kozlov AA, Shkol’nik MI, Lisitsyn IIu, Karelin MI


The paper deals with the preliminary data of treatment of patients with prostatic cancer by using unconventional methods of radiation therapy (RT), such as subtotal radiation of the body (STRB) and thermoradiation treatment (TRT). Out of 72 patients receiving RT, 16 and 8 had STRB and TRT, respectively. Systemic and local drug therapies were made to prevent radiation reactions and injuries. In all cases, STRB and TRT showed a significant objective and subjective effect. To evaluate the long-term results of treatment needs further studies.